Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Skys stander did finally get hear, to bad it was nap time and Sky was so tired. he did get back up in his power chair to see how we could make it easier for him to operate. he does great other then turning right??? So we are going to try a few different things next week, setting his joy stick in line on a tray, move the joy stick down or get a complete different joystick called a mini. (this is the joystick I wanted from the start, the mini) so we will see. So by the time we were done with the power chair, Sky was more then ready to get down. So the stander is hear for me to figure out (ya)... Once I have it set Ill have Sky up, but Im pretty sure it wont happen until tomorrow morning.


Junior said...

So glad the stander arrived.
Good luck getting it all figured out for Sky. Actually the one we have is pretty easy to adjust so your is likely the same way.

Anonymous said...

Hi! This is Maria, Jojo's Mom. It took us a while to figure out the right control for Jojo's wheelchair. We tried the minijoystick, finger joy stick and finally, just the regular joystick but we fitted it with a foam ball. I read in your past blog that you tried the tennis ball; maybe the foam ball will be easier for Sky to use because it's softer and easier to push. It's called the Infogrip roller joystick soft foam ($40). Anyway, we continually do adjustments such as raising or lowering the wheelchair armrest or the joystick itself to suit Jojo's needs. He sometimes gets "tired" and can hardly drive the chair. I think your Sky has more strength in his arms than my Jojo, so he should be fine driving his chair once you figure out the right positioning for him. Whew! Long comment, huh? Good night.

Devon said...

I'm glad it got there! I hope Sky gets accustomed to it and you all figure it out. We're waiting for ours...