Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mystery fever

well Skys got something, his daddy has been down for 4 days, now Keith is a big man and it takes lots to take him down. So this morning when Sky got up you could just see it in his face, so i checked his temp, oh yeah a whopping 102.4, but he is clear, his RR is 19 to 22, his O2 is a little lower 97, and his HR is 150 (due to fever) so Im sitting bed side watching and listening, no extra buggies, and the ones Im getting out of him are the norm. he is happy, talking and playing. So Please say a little prayer that what ever it is, its gone just as fast as it came on. I know the drill and if he gets worse we will start nebs and CPT and coughing, but so far he dosnt need anything other then Tylenol rotated with Motrin.


1 comment:

Junior said...

lots of prayers that sky will get over this quick