Thursday, October 20, 2011

Most Beautiful thing EVER

this was posted on FB by my friend Sarah, she is the mommy to an SMA child like me, this is so perfect it made me cry when I first read it!

Dear mommy,

I have felt your tears, falling on my face.
Someone else might think they are tears of sadness, because of what I can't do.


I know those tears pour from your heart out of gratitude for me, because of what I CAN do : I can love everyone in the purest form possible. Unconditionally. I can be judged, but will never judge in return.
I know different because I feel, in your hugs and kisses, that I'm perfect just the way I am.

I have seen you hang your head down in shame, when we go out on adventures.
Someone else might think you are ashamed of having a child like me.


I know you are ashamed of the grown-ups who ignore me, yet talk happily to all the other children. The grown-ups who won't look you in the eye, but stare at me, when they think you don't see. I know different because I've seen the many, many more times you have raised your head up high, with pride, because I'm yours. : )

I have heard you whispering desperate prayers at night. Someone else might think you are asking God to make me a typical kid.


I know you are thanking Him that I got to be here, with you, for another day- exactly how I am. I know different because I have heard you ask me never to leave you. And I have heard you cheer for me, every single day of my life- you tell me I don't need to be typical to be amazing, I just need to be here.

I know you have a big job, taking care of me.
I know your body hurts, because I'm getting so big.
I know that more than anything, you want to hear me say your name.
And I know you worry that you aren't good enough, and that you will fail me.

I know that even on your worst days, you will always be enough for me, and I will always love you more than you know

1 comment:

Maria B. said...

Thanks for sharing that. I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about that, and the other article that a Mom to a child with Tay Sachs (sp?) wrote about being a Dragon Mother. You've probably read it on Tripp's blog. Maybe I'll share my thoughts with you via a message on Facebook. Gosh, I sound cryptic, huh? Anyhoo, I know that every minute, second, I thank God that I have Joseph here with me. I'm sure you feel the same way about Sky :)