Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Getting Skylar Ready For Christmas

Mama has been putting my toys in boxes and wrapping them up with shinny paper, ribbons and bows. At first I wasnt to sure about it, but I like the ribbons and bows alot! Its kind of hard to get the paper off, but I can do it with a little help from my sissy... Mommy keeps telling me about all the packages that will be under the tree, and the decorations and lights. I cant wait to see them, I think I might really like them this year! And she has been telling me all about Santa and how he fills our stockings and leaves us gift on Christmas morning. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think he will be able to get much in my sock. And she keeps saying Ho Ho Ho, I think shes lost it, but I Love her so I just keep smiling….
Give me the ribbons and bows, please I like to pull them way out and watch then roll back up.

This is me just being silly!!!

1 comment:

Wyndi said...

he is so handsome! they do love the ribbons and bows problay better than the toys:)