After I got my new Trach I was very sleepy. I peeked a few times to see my momma right here by my side. She is the best mommy in the whole world, and thats a big place! (to me anyhow)
After a few hours of sleepy dreams I woke up and momma and I played for abit. She was so happy that I didn't have that icky tube in my mouth, (and so was I) she gave me big kisses.I gave a few smiles and said "momma" I can't hear my words and my throat is a little sore but she says, "that's OK bug, I Love you big". She told me that my sister Monica and my brother Chandler were coming to see me after school. I like that part of the day cause my Daddy always brings them to see me.
I like it when daddy is here cause he always lets me play with his shave. His whiskers tickle me and make me feel safe and happy. My momma says that my new trach will help me feel better.
Then when I am better I get to go to my house in Stanwood! I can't wait to see all of my toys! I sure hope that daddy is feeding elmo, cause when I get home he gonna do lots of singing for me!
Would you like to see my house? I am so happy there. I will have my momma and daddy show you some pictures. Well here comes the nurses, guess I better fake sleep so they will leave me alone. Yeah, I got this place figured out, you kinda have to when you been here as long as I have. Thank You for all your prayers for me! Keep them coming, I gotta get outa here!
Night Night... Sky