Bailey and valentine on the deck prior to its destruction!

Skylar was so good, he kept him self busy with blues clues while mama painted new deck boards.

My dad, he is ripping off the hand rail and steps out of the house, soon we will have an awesome ramp that Sky will be able to go in and out of the house on!!!!

Keith pulling old nails

Valentine could not figure out how to get up on the supports boards.

Keith and dad placing new decking down

is it straight? yep looks good guys

my dad and Valentine

half way point

Sky in the game room with his sissy, he would look out the window and see his daddy or Grandpa go by and tell them "good job, good job" he is such a great kid!!!!

well we are 80% of the way done, we have some decking to go on, build the ramp and stain it, we are praying for sunshine, as it looks now we will have one day of bad weather, and then a few days of good weather, I cant wait until it is all done, its
beautiful right now, but I know it is going to look amazing when 100%