wow time flies when you are having fun, I can not believe that 2010 is almost to an end and in a few days we will welcome in 2011. Such a year to give Thanks, to look back on and say Thank God we made it. We had our heart aches and our challenges, but we also had many adventures, day trips, laughter and fun, so much more good then bad, I have to feel blessed! we had an excellent Christmas and look forward to a new year, with new challenges, goals and fun!!!!!
Its not by what you have that makes you happy, but by who is in your life that truly makes you happy. SE
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
End of the year????
wow time flies when you are having fun, I can not believe that 2010 is almost to an end and in a few days we will welcome in 2011. Such a year to give Thanks, to look back on and say Thank God we made it. We had our heart aches and our challenges, but we also had many adventures, day trips, laughter and fun, so much more good then bad, I have to feel blessed! we had an excellent Christmas and look forward to a new year, with new challenges, goals and fun!!!!!
Friday, December 24, 2010
The Magic behind a Barbie nutcracker tin
12 years ago today, Moni and Chan woke up in anticipation of Santa Clause, they ran to the living room to find soot covered boot prints all over the wood floor and carpet, as Moni took a closer look to the wood stove she saw it, a magical piece of Santa's suite in the hing of the wood stove door. She cherished this little piece of Santa suite and has for the past 12 years kept it safe in a Barbie nutcracker tin. Last night while we set out cookies for Santa Clause (yes he comes a day early to our house) she told Sky the story of that Christmas morning, while his eyes were full of anticipation she got out the little Barbie tin and asked if he would like to keep the Christmas magic of Santa's suite, and of course he said yes. so now the magic of that day is with Skylar to hold and dream of each and every Christmas morning.
Our Christmas
Skylar loven his home made cotton candy
sleepy Moni
I think this sock has been stuffed to its limit
Valentine checking out that mouse
Dance Star Mickey Mouse from Grandpa and Grandma Rosengren
Sky watching and waiting
Chan opening a gift
My sister Kristin, great Grandma Mary, Grandma Joyce and the top of Skys head
Grandpa and Grandma Rosengren
my happy hubby
This game is so much fun!!!
Skylar enjoying his Christmas
Moni opening our family gift from Aunt Ruthy and Uncle Larry, this is so cool and I LOVE it,
all of our stockings hanging over the fireplace with every ones name on each stocking (:
Sky opening one of his gifts
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Opening the first gift
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The Night Before Christmas
We got special gifts int he mail the other day from family in ND, Aunt Ruthy, Uncle Larry, Sara and Ivan got our family one of the talking books from Hallmark, Skylar is just in love with this book, and when he hears the voices reading the story he will say "Auntie Ruthy, thats Uncle Larry, thats Sara and Ivan" its just about the perfect gift!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
what a week
Friday, December 10, 2010
"open it!"
so last night Sky was hanging out in his chair with his sissy, and he was asking to see a present, so I got the one to Skylar from his sissy out and placed it on his lap, he ran his hands all around it, twisted it around and checked it out for about 10 mins, I walked out of the room and as soon as I was out of sight I hear, "sissy, open it!" sissy "no Sky you got to wait for Christmas." Sky "sissy, open it open it" I laughed to myself, came back in the room and Sky was sitting there looking at his present. This morning I told his daddy about it, so daddy asked "did you ask sissy to open it?" Skylar "yep!"
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
I put Christmas lights on Skys power chair, I rolled his chair into him this morning, he smiled and said "Its beautiful, I Love it!" Im going to take a better picture tonight with the lights off, it really does look great!
Valentine keeping an eye on that dino....
Skylar was having some down time the other day and wanted to watch Land Before Time, well with that he has to play with his baby dinosaur, he was pushing the buttons on top to make it move, while Valentine watched ever so close.
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Skys drawing of him and I, he is so cute and I love each and every drawing he does!
The magic of Christmas shines in his eyes
we have had a great week, the trees are all decorated, as I get deliveries of gifts and wrap them for under the tree, Sky tries his best to talk me into letting him open them. Now usually I would cave and let him have one or two, but so far Ive made him wait and he seems t be just fine with that, but I can tell he is getting more and more excited!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
I never just put a pic of myself on here, so why not! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!
Sky and I before Grandpa and Grandma get here
Miss Moni all ready for the snow
Chan man ready to go take on the hill with his sled
Sky helping me decorate the tree in the game room, with a little supervision from Valentine
loving the tree
oh I love these little hands
my beautiful little man
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, I hope that you all have the best day today! Im Thankful for my family, for my dad and step mom who call and come up as often as they can (we love the company) for the phone calls from family in ND and for visits from family because they just understand that traveling is so hard for us. Im Thankful for my three beautiful, awesome kids, for play time, for the messes they make for the smiles they give, and Im Thankful for such a great husband, he works and gives so much of him self each and every day! And Im Thankful for all my online friends and family, most of you have special needs kids, so you too know how special each and every day is!
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