Its not by what you have that makes you happy, but by who is in your life that truly makes you happy. SE
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Wonderful Week
Great Grandma and the kids
My dad, Grandma and me
Grandma and me
Sky in Grandpas hat and shades
Great Grandma and Moni
Sky in Grandpas hat
Sky waiting for everyone to get hear
Moni and one of the baby kittys (I call him squishy)
What a great week we have had, our weather has been for the most part beautiful. Moni and Chan have gotten some good use out of the pool, had friends over, they went an saw Harry Potter and loved it. Skys head support for his power chair has finally been ordered, so as soon as it is hear we can take him out and he can drive on the property (Thank God) its way way way to bumpy with what he has now for him. We were planning a trip to the zoo for tomorrow, but are going to set it for another date, its going to be near 100 and that is just way to hot. So instead we are all going on a nice drive through the country to a little town called LaConner, buy some fresh produce and home made ice cream (yum) it dosent sound like much, but its an hour and half trip with the family out of the house so Sky and I are thrilled.
We had a wonderful BBQ with my dad, step mom and grandma today. We had a wonderful visit and great food, grandma looks great considering she is getting up there in the years. Dad enjoyed ping pong with the grand kids, and of course Sky had fun driving his power chair and playing games (showing off of course)
On a sad note Moni is heading back to her dads tomorrow afternoon for a week, its kind of hard, no its really hard,, I miss her and depend on her so much, its like some one has cut off my left arm when she is gone. but I also know her dad misses her too and needs to spend time with her...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Easy Week
Moni, Chan and Keith enjoying the heat
sissy was great for finding Sky the frogs this week
we had a lazy week, Moni got to come home a week early, so Sunday night Keith went down and got her. It is so nice having my baby girl home. Monday Keith and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary, we spent the day doing home improvements and enjoyed some BBQ together. Chan came home wednesday, he was gone for 2 weeks. He had a good camping trip with his mother in Montana, but is very happy to be home. Skylar well he is just the king of the castle as always, happy to be up driving his power chair through the house, sitting in his red tumble form chair playing games, in all just a very happy little boy. Our weather has been great, Moni and Chan have been enjoying the pool, so did Keith one day! and the kids have been playing ping pong and bad mitten (getting them self's ready to face grandpa Ernie next saturday)
We have a busy week coming up. Friday the 31st we will be enjoying a Blue Angels air show and after that we will get to meet the pilots, and see the planes up close. Got to love make a wish! Saturday we are having my dad, step mom and Grandma over for a BBQ. Grandma just celebrated her 93rd Birthday, so Ill have to make sure I have a special cake made. And Sunday we are all going to the zoo!!! This will be Skys first trip to the zoo, I am so excited (he loves animals so much) We will be meeting my dad and step mom and a very special SMA mom from Arizona, Shelle... her son Logan had SMA TY I and passed away 2 months ago, so this trip to the zoo will be very special. I have drawings to give to Shelle and her family of Logan, to help them celebrate his beautiful life.
we have a few special little kids who could use some extra prayers this week. Our blog buddy Junior is in the hospital, he was going to have trach surgery early this week, but just mins before going into the surgery room was told they couldnt do it, due to they didnt have anyone to cover another vent child. So now the surgery is on hold, but Junior is still having issues, if you could please say a prayer for Junior and his wonderful care giver Heidi. Hodges just got home from a week hospital stay he is home, but now his big sister seems to have come down with something. And Brynlee is sick and in the hospital If you could all say an extra little prayer for these kids that would be great!!!!
We have a busy week coming up. Friday the 31st we will be enjoying a Blue Angels air show and after that we will get to meet the pilots, and see the planes up close. Got to love make a wish! Saturday we are having my dad, step mom and Grandma over for a BBQ. Grandma just celebrated her 93rd Birthday, so Ill have to make sure I have a special cake made. And Sunday we are all going to the zoo!!! This will be Skys first trip to the zoo, I am so excited (he loves animals so much) We will be meeting my dad and step mom and a very special SMA mom from Arizona, Shelle... her son Logan had SMA TY I and passed away 2 months ago, so this trip to the zoo will be very special. I have drawings to give to Shelle and her family of Logan, to help them celebrate his beautiful life.
we have a few special little kids who could use some extra prayers this week. Our blog buddy Junior is in the hospital, he was going to have trach surgery early this week, but just mins before going into the surgery room was told they couldnt do it, due to they didnt have anyone to cover another vent child. So now the surgery is on hold, but Junior is still having issues, if you could please say a prayer for Junior and his wonderful care giver Heidi. Hodges just got home from a week hospital stay he is home, but now his big sister seems to have come down with something. And Brynlee is sick and in the hospital If you could all say an extra little prayer for these kids that would be great!!!!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
hello can you say future model
Sky driving into the kitchen
Sky parked about an inch and a half away from the water jugs, I wonder if he can get any closer?
getting a little tired, almost time to get down
Sky is having a great week, hanging out and playing with mama, we heard from Chan today (Thank God) we were getting a little worried. he will be home in 8 days. I talked with Moni last night, she is having fun with her dad, she got to go book shopping and picked up about 10 books, so I wont need to take her when she gets home.
Other then that, there is not to much going on. Waiting for the sun to come out again!!!
Monday, July 06, 2009
Monday monday
Skys game face
It is very strange not having my Moni and Chan home.... Moni just emailed an she is done watching her DVD series and she has read all her books, I dont know what she is going to do with out at least a book in her hands (maybe her step mom will take her to buy a few new books this week) and if not I know what we are doing when she gets home on the 19th... book shopping!!! And we have not heard a peep from Chan in 2 days, and we are getting a little worried, we have left messages on his phone sent texts and emails, still nothing... Im praying he calls or emails his dad or I soon!!!!
Skylar has been a joy as always, he is really getting into hid v-smile games, I love to hear him talking away to the games and using his hands so well to play.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Our 4th
Most of our day was a normal day, hanging out inside, racing in yellow, playing games, watching some racing on Speed, we held off on getting outside too early, our mosquitoes are bad this year. Moni and Chan are with there other parents, so that just left Keith Sky and I. But I think we had a great 4th.
Skylar was so funny to watch fireworks with this year, he would say "YEE HAW" "Oh WOW" and of course he would bark his commands "come on dada, lets go, come on" cracked me up!!!!
I think we will have company this afternoon, my younger sister and her family are in he area so they will stop bye. And I think my dad will come up for a BBQ (at least we hope so)
Friday, July 03, 2009
Not to much
well its been pretty quite hear the past week, Chandler is off with his mother for 2 weeks, and right now he is in Montana. Moni just left this morning for a two week stay with her dad, so its just Sky, Keith and I for the 4th and the next 2 weeks.... I think its going to be an interesting 2 weeks, and Im already missing my two big kids (I just hope it goes fast)
Our weather has been perfect, the pool even reached 80 degs, kids got to love that!!! Still way to cold for my bones.... Skys been in the best of moods, happy and playing, as always.
we are looking forward to some good food and a nice fireworks show tomorrow, at home of course, but we always get cool fireworks from the reservation, so its like going some where (almost)
I would say thats just about it, Happy 4th of July
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