Id like to ask everyone out there who reads
Skys blog to say a prayer of fast healing. His
sputum spec came back
positive for
staff and
phusdamonus (
sp) he is on
augmenton to clear the staff an we start
tobi nebs tomorrow. Sky is doing
ok, his stats are good, his HR is about 10 to 20 higher then his norm, and his resp rate is normal about 80% of the time, his oxygen is normal too, but you can tell by looking at him that he feels like crap. His
appetite is still small, but
Im keeping him hydrated, he is eating
gogurts and ice creams, water and
pedi pops, I wish i could get him to take some milk, but so far no go. His dad and I are going to see about a feeding tube this spring, its so scary knowing he
isnt getting all he needs, but he is getting some, and it is getting better, so pray his
appetite comes back soon!!!
Im going to have his
ped stop by tomorrow to check on him, and we have our
DME home care company coming out to set me up for the
tobi (
skys never had it before) and I guess you need a special filter while doing it in line. Right now, he acts as if he has a tummy
ache and a soar throat. I just wish he was feeling better and not sick, I hate seeing my baby sick. Thank s and Merry Christmas Sheila